
Showing posts from January, 2019

Christmas etude 2019 {Рождественский этюд 2019}


2016 - 2017 - relaxing music - Antuan Graftio


Nirmanakaya of modern world by Abyssum Connector

Nirmanakaya of modern world by Abyssum Connector An ancient, forgotten, and taboo traditions. This old forbidden world in modern society. A connection between ritual worshipping ceremony and dup, trip-hop dance floor. For those who have an ears and want to find something interesting in this grey music reality. 

Abyssum Connector - Jhator 2017

Abyssum Connector - Jhator 2017 Download the album can be here:

Theory - Hope faded (Album: The total stagnation)


The total stagnation by Theory - The silent despair


cold empty day - Your automatic death

The collective called "cold empty day" gives the world its first release to the name "Your automatic death". All the pain and suffering of this fucking world in your speakers. Roles of project participants: Z. - Guitars, Bass, Songwriting MR. V - Recording, Bass (Additional) Sine Testimonio - Drums GRAF - lyrics, vocals, synthesizer, mastering, mixing.

Voices in your head

Image Альбом "Фатальный неон" посвящён безжизненному холоду мегаполиса освещённого неоновым светом. The album "Fatal Neon" is dedicated to the lifeless cold of a megacity illuminated by neon light. Основные стили: ИДМ, Эмбиент, Экспериментал, Индастриал. Main styles: IDM, Ambient, Experimental, Industrial. Проект "Теория", композитор и саунд продюсер Антуан Графтио.  Project "Theory", composer and sound producer Antoine Graftio. Night, street, lantern, pharmacy. A heavy hangover in the night. Your name is from darkness. Voices in your head. Desperate fuss. Great politics. March of shadows. Pulse of neon lamps. Death comes out of the shadows. Fatal neon. credits released March 16, 2017

Spring is red - relaxing music - Antuan Graftio

The oppressive atmosphere of heavy metal and industrial noises alludes to us that everything is not completely safe.

Dark Techno session 2017


ἐξορκισμός 2018 - relaxing music - Antuan Graftio

Με τον όρο Εξορκισμός εννοείται η εκδίωξη δαιμόνων ή άλλων κακών πνευματικών οντοτήτων που κατέχουν (αναλαμβάνουν τον έλεγχο) ένα πρόσωπο ή ένα χώρο. Η πρακτική, αν και αρχαία ως προς τις ρίζες της, είναι ακόμα τμήμα του συστήματος πεποιθήσεων πολλών θρησκειών. Η λέξη «εξορκισμός» σημαίνει «ωθώ κάποιον να ορκιστεί» και αναφέρεται κυρίως στον εξορκιστή που εξαναγκάζει κάποιο υποτιθέμενο πνεύμα να υπακούσει κάποια υποτιθέμενη ανώτερη δύναμη. Ο εξορκιστής είναι συχνά κάποιος ιερέας, ή άτομο προικισμένο με ειδικές δυνάμεις και δεξιότητες. Χρησιμοποιεί ένα συνδυασμό μαγικών και θρησκευτικών ιεροπραξιών, ανάμεσα στις οποίες συμπεριλαμβάνεται η προσευχή, οι κινήσεις οι εικόνες και τα φυλακτά. Η ιδέα της κατοχής από δαιμόνια και η πρακτική του εξορκισμού είναι πολύ αρχαία και διαδεδομένη, και ανάγεται πιθανώς σε προϊστορικές σαμανιστικές πεποιθήσεις. Η χριστιανική Καινή Διαθήκη περιλαμβάνει τον εξορκισμό ανάμεσα στα θαύματα που εκτέλεσε ο Ιησούς. Αυτός ήταν πιθανώς ο λόγος για τον οποίο η ...

Cold Empty Day - Zwei Tage Frost 2018

Pain, cold, disappointment and fear in a new composition called " Zwei Tage Frost." Made by Team: «Cold Empty Day» Roles of project participants:  Z. - Guitars, Songwriting MR.  V - Recording GRAF - lyrics, vocals, synthesizer, bass, mastering, mixing.

Grime free dark future 2019 - Antuan Graftio


Aphotic by Cut The Light

Limited editions "Aphotic" Hand-made magic Book + Cassette. Includes all inserts. Shipping 10$ around the World. Includes unlimited streaming of Aphotic via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Sold Out I 11:45 II 18:01 video III 04:40 IV 01:54 V 05:38 VI 06:24 VII 22:24 VIII 05:27 IX 02:24 about Aphotic, total darkness. A place where there is no light. The place where the demonic darkness reveals his strength. ************************ Афотик, полный мрак. Место в котором нет света. Место, в котором демоническая темнота являет свою силу. ************************ VIDEO TEASER: REVIEWS: credits released June 20, 2018 Aphotic by Cut The Light

Abyssum Connector - 5

1.A ghostly speakers 03:25 2.The haunted bells 04:17 3.Dementia 03:11 4.The final steps to another dimension 04:32 5.In the Fog 04:36 6.Calling the Beast 03:30 7.Asylum 03:32 8.Rire Sade 01:30 about Antique things are always appreciated. They cannot fail to excite and delight. In this case they were not investigated, there will always be something mysterious. And often something evil lies in the old things, which it is better to just not get it, so as not to awaken the demons of the past. This EP was created using the old electronic musical instrument, which was processed with modern electronic effects and instruments. credits released November 20, 2017 Abyssum Connector - 5 by Abyssum Connector

Abyssum Connector-2017​-​3

1.Darkness Retro 05:14 2.No Cure 06:13 3.By Bizzare Beats 04:36 4.A Symphonion Nightmare 05:56 5.The Specimen 05:25 6.Swarthy dreams 04:36 7.Laboratorium noir 05:04 8.Injection of all evil (ultimate mix) 14:26 credits released August 14, 2017 Abyssum Connector -2017-3 by Abyssum Connector

Abyssum Connector -2017​-​2

1.Auroville is a new Jonestown 02:06 2.Flying with Ganesha 04:09 3.Kalicarnage dance 02:48 4.Kalicarnage dance (adrenaline state version) 02:54 5.Circles of Naraka 03:45 6.Massive trance condition 04:00 7.Massive trance condition (agony state mix) 03:25 8.Under the juggernaut wheels 01:40 credits released May 7, 2017 Abyssum Connector -2017-2 by Abyssum Connector

Abyssum Connector 2017

An ancient, forgotten, and taboo traditions. This old forbidden world in modern society. A connection between ritual worshipping ceremony and dup, trip-hop dance floor. For those who have an ears and want to find something interesting in this grey music reality. credits released January 21, 2017 Abyssum Connector 2017 by Abyssum Connector

Abyssum Connector by Abyssum Connector

1.Glitching spirits 03:54 2.Ethereal hashashims 04:23 3.Digital dreams 06:56 4.Nephren-Kaos 04:48 5.Undimensional horizons 17:04 6.Abyssum connector 07:30 7.Abyssum connector - Dark desires and superstitions 09:04 8.Abyssum connector - Void woven delirium 03:31 credits released January 21, 2017 Abyssum Connector by Abyssum Connector


1.conjuncture - 5.8.1860 07:56 2.conjuncture - 1883 07:28 3.conjuncture - 1907 05:30 4.conjuncture - 1924 05:36 5.conjuncture - 1930 07:44 6.conjuncture - 4.7.1939 09:32 about Artwork - Louis Wain Idea, field recordings, voice - Yaroslav & Antoine Music ,layout, design - Antoine & Yaroslav Voice - Liza Beckitt , Finn Beckitt-Marshall, Conn Beckitt-Marshall. Voice - cat Tim, cat Lis ( when recording the animals are not subjected to any external influences that could affect of physical and psychological condition ). All rights reserved. © 2014. credits released August 11, 2014 First edition. Super limited art edition only for friends and collectors . 39 copies only. All copies signed by Antoine Graftio & Yaroslav Shamray. 26 copies not available for sale. Presentation copies signed to the specific name. 13 copies for sale. ANTHROPOMORPHIC LIFE by Conjuncture

Christmas pranks 2018

1.A good introduction 02:40 2.Dark Techno session 2017 by Antuan Graftio 08:14 3.Dark voices of hell 02:20 4.Who's there? 04:00 5.Ruthless slaughter 02:57 6.Yellow hell in autumn of 2017 03:04 7.Hidden psychosis 04:02 8.In captivity of sleep 04:44 9.Dirty insinuations 03:45 10.Ragged wounds of the city 03:23 11.Slow and painful death 13:16 about This album is free. credits released December 23, 2017 Christmas pranks 2018 by Theory

La Chasse de Dôle by Nursery nutter feat Theory

1.The hermit of St. Bonnot 05:20 2.Isolation 04:32 3.A few missing... 04:04 4.Speak to me on the language of insanity 01:21 5.The wolves are coming 05:52 6.Children taste better in the dark 04:58 7.Witchcraft (Ointment for lycanthropy) 05:47 8.The Werewolf of Dole 05:24 9.A nightmare testimony 03:51 10.18 January 1573 03:35 credits released April 4, 2017 La Chasse de Dôle by Nursery nutter feat Theory

Fatal Neon

The album "Fatal Neon" is dedicated to the lifeless cold of a megacity illuminated by neon light. Основные стили: ИДМ, Эмбиент, Экспериментал, Индастриал. Main styles: IDM, Ambient, Experimental, Industrial. Проект "Теория", композитор и саунд продюсер Антуан Графтио. Project "Theory", composer and sound producer Antoine Graftio. Night, street, lantern, pharmacy. A heavy hangover in the night. Your name is from darkness. Voices in your head. Desperate fuss. Great politics. March of shadows. Pulse of neon lamps. Death comes out of the shadows. Fatal neon. credits released March 16, 2017 Fatal Neon by Theory

The total stagnation

1.Hope faded 06:24 2.Fucking music 03:44 3.The silent despair 08:35 4.Time as water 03:33 5.Prayer for the dying 06:06 6.Lost Blues 05:12 7.Jazz disharmony 04:02 8.The growth of negative trends 05:18 9.Censer and money 02:53 10.Pulse confrontation 03:24 11.The strings of the new rebellion 02:06 12.Regime change 03:42 credits released March 5, 2017 The total stagnation by Theory

Coil - Album: Black Antlers - Remix by Antoine Graftio "Theory"

Track List: 1 The Gimp (Sometimes) 2 Sex with Sun Ra (Part One - Saturnalia) 3 The Wraiths and Strays of Paris 4 All the Pretty Little Horses 5 Teenage Lightning (10th Birthday Version) 6 Black Antler's (Where's Your Child?) 7 Sex with Sun Ra (Part Two - Sigillarcia) 8 big bonus (Mega Mix) credits released February 16, 2017 Coil - Album: Black Antlers - Remix by Antoine Graftio "Theory" by Theory

It makes no sense to go back (distributed for free)

1.Theory - Spring before the eternal winter 10:49 2.Theory - Under hypnosis the big city 10:06 3.Theory - On the way to the island of despair 03:30 4.Theory - Marsh doomed 04:55 5.Theory - The last white dance 03:14 6.Theory - Instruments of death 04:12 7.Theory - The last song Dmitry 03:12 8.Theory - When the time is over 04:05 9.Theory - White light and gates 02:27 about This album is formed of a material not previously published and distributed for free. credits released February 8, 2017 It makes no sense to go back (distributed for free) by Tyeory

Between earth and sky

1.Ruthless time saw 17:04 2.Most of the harvest 08:19 3.Between earth and sky 06:32 4.Lament for the dead 07:59 credits released January 24, 2017 Between earth and sky by Theory

Конечная by Общество Коцит - Theory

Конечная - это среда, которая ест человека изнутри, терминальная стадия деградации. Стагнация во всём, что называется словом “человеческое”. И то, что делает нас людьми - быт, он же сжигает нас раз за разом: “…и снова быт, снова быт заедает, и как с ним быть, как с ним быть, прямо и не знаю…” (Н. Ложкин). Выход в такой ситуации находится в последствиях соц. Детерминизма. Теория убийства и преступления, которые были совершены от безысходности вызванной слабостью духа и падением моральных ценностей. В наш век, в наше время такое девиантное поведение уже не удивляет и становится самой популярной у людей имеющих дело с криминалом. Есть ли свет в конце этого бытового туннеля или там тупик? Поглотит ли общество эта непроглядная серость, задушит ли каждого человека по отдельности? Будет ли с молоком матери впитываться в каждого ребёнка? Вопросы без ответов. Мы выходим на ‘конечной’ или сделаем ещё круг? credits released January 14, 2017 Конечная by Общество Коцит - Theory

Destruction of thought

1 Introduction 2 Running heavy machinery 3 The mechanism of a quick death 4 Organic substance 5 Lack of will gray mass 6 The irreversible process of degradation 7 Manifestation of animal instincts 8 Unmotivated cruelty 9 The decline and lack of will 10 Never-ending hunger 11 The pursuit of a defenseless victim 12 Picnic outdoors 13 Flame fires of the Inquisition 14 Sacrificial altar 15 Last Ritual 16 Forgetfulness and death credits released October 14, 2016 Destruction of thought by Theory

Communication with the world – zero

001 Shaky connection to the world 002 Infinite communication 003 Ode to the time spent in the woods 004 Park melancholy 005 Romantic mood 006 Scraps of memories 007 Hammers clockwork 008 Bloodless revolution in consciousness 009 A series of unsolvable problems 010 The morning of the next day 011 A protest march 012 Pulse eternity 013 Means for final calculations 001 Зыбкая связь с миром 002 Бесконечная связь 003 Ода о потраченном времени в лесу 004 Парк меланхолии 005 Романтическое настроение 006 Обрывки воспоминаний 007 Молотки часовых механизмов 008 Бескровная революция в сознании 009 Серия неразрешимых проблем 010 Утром следующего дня 011 Марш протеста 012 Пульс вечность 013 Средства для окончательных расчетов В рамках проекта «Теория» автор и исполнитель Антуан Графтио в августе 2016 года записал новый альбом под названием «Связь с миром – ноль». Основной идеей альбома «Связь с миром – ноль» является попытка современного человечества абстрагироватьс...

Perfume industrial quarters

This is music for the people of the industrial districts, which were born to become vintikami single machine. And then death. credits released June 15, 2016 Perfume industrial quarters Perfume industrial quarters by Theory

METAL​-​BOX by Antuan Graftio/Philipp Graftio

Released by: Antuan Graftio/Philipp Graftio released February 23, 2016 METAL-BOX by Antuan Graftio/Philipp Graftio

Sun White Plains by Midnight Of Winter, Theory - Antoine Graftio

Совместный трек проектов Полночь Зимы (Санкт-Петербург) и Theory (Воронеж). Theory небезызвестного Антуана Графтио заставил лучи Солнца Белых Равнин, вырвавшегося из заточения Полночи Зимы, засверкать новыми гранями на последнем снегу уходящей стужи... Joint track projects Midnight Of Winter (St. Petersburg) and Theory (Voronezh). Theory notorious Antoine Graftio made sun rays White Plains, to escape from captivity Midnight Winter, shine new faces on the last snow of the outgoing cold ... credits released February 17, 2016 Sun White Plains by Midnight Of Winter, Theory - Antoine Graftio


Antoine Graftio project "Theory" has released a new album called "Exorcism". This album was written under the influence of negative trends that swept the world. Now it's time of purification. The album was published in 2016. Антуан Графтио в рамках проекта "Теория" выпустил новый альбом под названием "Экзорцизм". Данный альбом написан под влиянием негативных тенденций, которые захлестнули весь мир. Теперь пришло время очищения. Альбом опубликован в 2016 году. The track listing for the album: 001-Whirlpool pure evil 002-The revival of the ancient world 003-Creation of the army of darkness 004-Prayer before a long hike 005-Going for world conquest 006-Choose a dark side 007-Merciless Ocean fear 008-The last moments of conscious existence 009-Captured by the spirit of insects 010-Exorcism credits released January 2, 2016 Exorcism by Antoine Graftio project "Theory"

Other civilizations

Other civilizations. Последнее время меня не покидает мысль, что рядом с нами живут представители других цивилизаций. Они имеют свою культуру и другое представление о сути вещей. Тяжело сказать, хорошо это или плохо. Но это обстоятельство создаёт людям дополнительные сложности, порой связанные с человеческими жертвами. Именно с таким ощущением реальности был создан данный альбом. Other civilizations. Last time I did not abandon the idea that we live next to the representatives of other civilizations. They have their own culture and a different understanding of the essence of things. Hard to say whether this is good or bad. But this circumstance creates additional difficulties for people, often associated with fatalities. It is with this sense of reality was created by this album. #RelaxMusic #DarkAmbient #DroneAmbient #IDM #IndustrialNoise #AntuanGraftio #Experimental #PostMusic credits released December 24, 2015 Other ci...


Band Order Of Victory / Sacris Tandem Title Strength Of Materials Label Casus Belli Musica Style Goth / Electro / Industrial Detailed style Martial Industrial Catalog # CBM026CD Release Date Dec 18, 2015 credits released January 18, 2016  STRENGTH OF MATERIALS by ORDER OF VICTORY / SACRIS TANDEM

Collapse by MAHA PRALAYA & Алексей Шилов & Antuan Graftio

MAHA PRALAYA & Алексей Шилов & Antuan Graftio I present the session in 2015 credits released December 6, 2015 Collapse - 2015 MAHA PRALAYA & Алексей Шилов & Antuan Graftio I present the session in 2015 dark ambient, drone, noise, ritual, experimental #dark_ambient #drone #noise #ritual #experimental Collapse by MAHA PRALAYA & Алексей Шилов & Antuan Graftio

DZEN session - Theory by Antuan Graftio

1. Накануне Всемирного Апокалипсиса - On the eve of the World Apocalypse. 2. Холодная зима перед медленной смертью - The cold winter to a slow death. 3. Начало Молоха - Introduction of Moloch. 4. Во мраке - In the darkness. 5. В поле зрения – Insight. 6. Голодный бунт - Food riots. 7. Крах империи - Finale Empire. 8. Рождение нового мира - The birth of a new world. 9. Забвение – Oblivion. credits released October 18, 2015 DZEN session - Theory by Antuan Graftio by Theory, Antuan Graftio


released September 18, 2015  "The history of mankind is a prolonged history of a living matter which was endowed with opportunity to think by the Creator, and which didn't know what to do with this fatal ability. And it didn’t find a better use, than to create the most effective ways of a total self-destruction". FATE by POTERNA

Album Solaris 2015

001_Solaris 002_Beyond civilization 003_Cosmic history of the earthly world 004_On the eve of the World Apocalypse 005_Dead Tree 006_Last Train cold winter 007_Coming home from deep space credits released August 18, 2015 Album Solaris 2015 by Antuan Graftio - Theory

Filii sunt nequam

Filii sunt nequam (Дети лукавого) В основе данного альбома лежать реальные интервью людей с тяжелыми психическими заболеваниями. Данные интервью были записаны советскими медиками в шестидесятых годах в качестве методического пособия. At the heart of the album lie real interview people with severe mental illness. These interviews were recorded by Soviet doctors in the sixties as a methodological guide. Трек лист альбома содержит восемь композиций, выполненных в различных жанрах современной электронной музыки. The track listing for the album contains eight compositions performed in various genres of modern electronic music. 001. Alzheimer scriptor morbo. (Болезнь Альцгеймера) 002. Duo phobia. (Две фобии) 003. Cubile PSYCHOSIS-1. (Маниакальный психоз-1) 004. Cubile PSYCHOSIS-2. (Маниакальный психоз-2) 005. Pseudodementia. (Псевдо деменция) 006. Multiplex MEMORIOLA. (Рассеянный склероз) 007. Senile. (Старческое) 008. Schizophasia. (Шизофазия) Думаю, что слушателям да...

Dethronement by Sacris Tandem

1.the towers (prologue) 17:36 2.dethronement 29:19 3.connection (epilogue) 12:48 about Sacris Tandem “Dethronement” STATUS Prod. и DRONE & NOISE, при участии Casus Belli Musica, представляют дебютный концептуальный альбом российского abstract ritual ambient/post-industrial проекта Sacris Tandem "Dethronement", основанный на легенде о семи башнях-пирамидах,возведённых в Москве И.В. Сталиным. При создании использованы полевые записи и ритуальные инструменты. Также на альбоме можно услышать сэмплы тоталитарных церемоний, песен, вальсов и маршей прошлого века. Для ценителей COIL,HYBRIDS,BLOCKSHOLM.  Dethronement by Sacris Tandem

Beyond civilization

Beyond civilization 14:40 credits released June 16, 2015 Beyond civilization by Antuan Graftio


Antuan Graftio - THEORY - Solaris 16:18 credits released May 21, 2015 Solaris by Antuan Graftio

Session#2​-​2015 by MAHA PRALAYA & THeORY

Session#2-2015 credits released May 10, 2015 Session#2-2015 by MAHA PRALAYA & THeORY by Antuan Graftio project

2015 - MAHA PRALAYA & THeORY by Antuan Graftio project

MAHA PRALAYA & THeORY by Antuan Graftio project Данная работа выполнена из лучших побуждений, исключительно для отдыха и безудержного веселья. А неадекватное переплетение стилей придаёт данному альбому зажигательную искорку. RelaxMusic, DarkAmbient, DroneAmbient, IDM, IndustrialNoise, Experimental, PostMusic, #RelaxMusic #DarkAmbient #DroneAmbient #IDM #IndustrialNoise #Experimental #PostMusic This work is done with the best intentions, only to rest and merriment. And the inappropriate interweaving of styles gives this album an incendiary spark. credits released May 5, 2015 2015 - MAHA PRALAYA & THeORY by Antuan Graftio project by MAHA PRALAYA & THeORY by Antuan Graftio project

Neuroleptic bass

Neuroleptic bass. 29:57 about Neuroleptic bass. Злокачественный нейролептический синдром (ЗНС) — сравнительно редкое, но опасное для жизни расстройство, связанное с приёмом психотропных препаратов, преимущественно антипсихотиков (нейролептиков). ЗНС наблюдается не только в психиатрической практике, он может встречаться у пациентов с любой патологией, а также у здоровых лиц в случаях назначения им нейролептиков. credits released April 26, 2015 Neuroleptic bass by Theory by Antuan Graftio

Coming home from deep space

Coming home from deep space. 16:00 about Single. Coming home from deep space. This quiet space music for relaxation. credits released April 9, 2015  Coming home from deep space by Theory by Antuan Graftio

Comedy in the morgue

Comedy in the morgue 05:52 about ANTUAN GRAFTIO SOCIAL NETWORK Pond5 | Soundcloud | Hearthis| Bandcamp | Youtube | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | DOWNLOADS Pond5 | Google Play | Antuan Graftio's store | Yandex | Ambient, Drone Ambient, Drone doom, Drum'n'Bass, Dubstep, EBM, IDM, Dark wave, Industrial Noise, Antuan Graftio #Ambient #Drone Ambient #Drone doom #Drum'n'Bass #Dubstep #EBM #IDM #Dark wave #Industrial Noise # Antuan Graftio Comedy in the morgue by Antuan Graftio

Global electrification by "Theory." Antuan Graftio

Global electrification by "Theory." Antuan Graftio 1. in the darkness 07:28 2. insight 07:20 3. Birth project 06:07 4. Beginning of great work 07:08 5. Food riots 05:52 6. Insignificance against the big plan 08:00 7. Finale Empire 05:08 about "Global electrification" - This is the title of my new album, which is almost ready and will soon see the light. This album will be released as part of my new project called "Theory."  Global electrification by "Theory." Antuan Graftio

Start a universal plague

1. Start a universal plague 04:32 credits released February 15, 2015 Start a universal plague by Antuan Graftio

Valentine's Day - the final story 2015

TheOry - Valentine's Day - the final story 2015 15:28 buy track credits released February 14, 2015 Valentine's Day - the final story 2015 by Antuan Graftio

latent confrontation by TheORy

1. TheOry - latent confrontation 44:48 credits released February 9, 2015 latent confrontation by TheORy

Last autumn a dying country

Last autumn a dying country 23:04 credits released February 9, 2015 Last autumn a dying country by Antuan Graftio

Music for the video sequence

1-Rhythm of industrial noise 03:48 2-Voltage high speed 04:11 3-gloomy passage 05:20 4-Quick hammer 04:15 5-Spiral urban shadows 04:23 6-Rage inflamed consciousness 02:57 7-Broken heart rhythm heavy 03:54 8-A lot of words about nothing 02:57 9-The gloomy atmosphere of the night quarter 07:28 10-harmonious slip 04:20 credits released April 28, 2014 Music for the video sequence by Antuan Graftio

Ocean City Freedom

1. Ocean City Freedom 15:55 credits released February 18, 2014 Ocean City Freedom by Antuan Graftio

Blue Dream

1.Adventures of woolen rat 07:46 2.Fatum 04:00 3.Hammer mysterious adventure (bonus) 06:02 4.Household water source 08:11 5.relaxing aggression 07:51 6.Rhythmic attack industrial hell 08:00 7.Space that lives around you 08:42 8.Trap low register (bonus) 04:26 9.Violation of the connection between cause and effect 08:53 credits released January 3, 2014 Blue Dream by Antuan Graftio

Last ultimatum snails

1. Last ultimatum snails 07:44 credits released October 25, 2013 Last ultimatum snails by Antuan Graftio